2nd December 2014
It's been a while since the last post on this site.. ;) Many things have changed since then. Our project goal, namely building a 'smart' file mangement platform for desktop use is being pursued by our own company named Semiodesk. In order to reach as many people as possible, we have switched to developing our platform with .NET / Mono and we are developing the user interface for Windows!
The new platform and application concept has been in the making for over three years now and is already pretty mature. In preparation for the upcoming release of the end-user software in the second quater next year, we are proud to announce that our Semantic Web development platform for .NET is about to be open sourced! Stay tuned and visit us at semiodesk.com!25th June 2009
Last weekend Sebastian Faubel attended the NEPOMUK KDE Coding Sprint. Feedback was generally positive and we agreed to share technology with the KDE project. Thanks to everybody for the great time!
26th May 2009
Two weeks ago, Sebastian Faubel and Moritz Eberl were visiting the City of Largo IT department in Florida. We got very positive feedback from city employees to the presentation of our current user interface design & concept. The second presentation showing the file management features of the upcoming Python version of Organise Framework received great interest from the local IT staff.
David Richards, author of the book Linux Thin Client Design and Deployment, gave us a tour and insights into the cities thin client infrastructure which is best described by the word: amazing. We had great time visiting the local police station and smoky BBQ places! Thanks to everybody for giving us such a great time!!
22nd February 2009
In May, Sebastian Faubel will be visiting the City of Largo in Florida. Special thanks to David Richards for the invitation! At the GNOME GUI Hackfest 2008 in Boston, Dave gave a impressive presentation about his experiences with a 500+ Linux thin-client deployment for the local government-run facilities. Yes folks, there are over 750 people using Linux every day!
20th January 2009
Organise Framework will be presented at the Long Night of Sciences in Nuremberg on 24th October 2009. There will be a lot going on until then - stay tuned!
19th January 2009
Last Friday, Christian Kuschel and Sebastian Faubel presented the Organise Semantic Desktop concept to the people at the Department of Distributed and Multimedia Systems. Thanks to Bernhard Schandl for the invitation. We took the chance to spend a weekend in Vienna, mostly drinking "großen Braunen" in the famous coffee houses.. :)
19th December 2008
Yesterday Sebastian Faubel presented Organise Path Projection to the scientists at the DFKI. He received very valuable feedback from Dr. rer. nat. Ansgar Bernardi (NEPOMUK Coordinator), Dr. Heiko Maus and Leo Sauermann. Sebastian Faubel will cooperate with DFKI employees on the development of Organise Framework technologies and concepts.
27th November 2008
In january, Sebastian Faubel will visit the University of Vienna, Faculty for Computer Science. He will discuss our concepts with Bernhard Schandl, who has created a very interesting project called SemDAV.
17th November 2008
Organise will be presented at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence. Thanks to Leo Sauermann for the invitation.
30th October 2008
The conference was attended by approx. 180 (Ph.D.) Students. This is a big honor for us. Todays keynote was titled "How can the semantic web community be more convincing?". Well, the most asked question at our demonstration was: "Where can I download this?"
25th October 2008
Today Mark Shuttleworth blogged about Organise Framework:
"..but I think the most interesting piece wasn't really possible to capture in a screenshot because it's abstract and conceptual - file and content management. There's a revolution coming as we throw out the old "files and folders" metaphor and leap to something new, and it would be phenomenal if free software were leading the way."
13th October 2008
The GNOME GUI Hackfest and Boston Summit 2008 are over. It has been a very fascinating and productive week. Thank you Cosimo Cecchi, Mirco Müller and Natan Yellin for offering support for our project!
New Mockups online!
24th September 2008
The GNOME Foundation invited Sebastian Faubel to the GNOME GUI Hackfest and Boston Summit 2008. He intends to introduce GNOME developers to the main concepts and challenges behind our proposed desktop architecture. The presentation slides will be published here soon. Many thanks to Federico Mena Quintero for his efforts!